
Male Breast Reduction: Cost, Treatment and Results

Written by Polaris | May 28, 2021 10:58:00 AM

Gynecomastia refers to the condition of overdeveloped or enlarged breasts in men and can occur at any age. Newborns, boys going through puberty and older men may develop gynecomastia as a result of normal changes in hormone levels. It may also be hereditary or caused by obesity, or the use of certain drugs such as steroids. One way to treat gynecomastia is with a male breast reduction surgery.


Symptoms of gynecomastia include swelling, pain, nipple discharge in both breasts, or moderate to severe ptosis. Ptosis refers to the condition of breast and nipple sagging due loose skin in addition to excess breast tissue. Read on to find out more about the procedure and cost in Singapore.

How is gynecomastia surgery performed?

With good nutrition and ample exercise, enlarged males breasts may go away on its own especially if it is mainly due to obesity. If it persists, surgery may be necessary to remove the excess breast tissue and/or skin to restore your natural physique.

Before the surgery, the plastic surgeon will discuss your suitability for surgery, evaluate for any surgical risk factors, and recommend aftercare options. You will be asked to stop smoking or avoid taking certain drugs, such as aspirin or herbal supplements, prior to the surgery as the former can lead to impaired wound healing and the latter can increase bleeding.

During the surgery, anaesthesia will be administered for your comfort. Gynecomastia surgery can be performed under general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia with sedation.

There are different methods that your plastic surgeon may use to remove the excess fats or breast tissue.

  • Liposuction involves the insertion of a thin hollow tube, through many small incisions. The tube is moved back and forth in a controlled motion to loosen the excess fat, which is simultaneously removed from the body by vacuum suction.
  • Excision is used when glandular breast tissue or excess skin must be removed. Excision techniques are also necessary if the areola needs to be reduced or the nipple repositioned to a more natural male contour. These are performed through well-hidden incisions.

When the excess skin is moderate to severe or when ptosis is present, there may also be a need to remove the skin in a mastopexy-style approach, where a breast lift to remove excess fats and skin is performed. This may require longer incisions.

What is recovery like after male breast reduction surgery?

After your procedure, you will have a pressure dressing over the chest, and a suitable support garment that should be worn as often as possible for the first 6 weeks. This is to minimize swelling and support your new chest contour as it heals.

The final results of gynecomastia surgery are usually permanent. In some cases, gynecomastia developed due to medications, drugs, or weight gain. Hence, to maintain post-surgery results, it is important to keep to a good diet, maintain an active lifestyle, and avoid drugs that influence testosterone levels.

The final results of your gynecomastia surgery may take 3 to 6 months to achieve. The scars will continue to fade over time. Your improved upper body will likely boost your self-image and confidence, whether in a t-shirt or baring your chest at the beach.

Complications, though uncommon, include asymmetry and contour deformities. These can usually be managed conservatively. Very occasionally, another surgery may be needed to perform additional tightening, repositioning of the breasts, or to treat any irregularities that may occur.

What are the considerations for male breast reduction?

In some individuals, excessive male breast tissue can be reduced through diet, exercise, eliminating certain medications, and not smoking. When these methods do not work, it is time to consider surgery.

Your doctor will provide instructions on how to care for the surgical site. It is very important to follow your plastic surgeon's aftercare instructions and attend follow-up visits as scheduled.

Medication will also be prescribed to control expected post-operative pain, aid healing and reduce the potential for infection. You can perform most daily activities by yourself the day after surgery. There are usually no stitches to be removed.

You need to avoid exercise for 3 to 4 weeks after surgery. It is important that the surgical incisions are not subjected to excessive force, swelling, abrasion, or motion during the time of healing.

Speak to a board-certified plastic surgeon if you are concerned about the side effects and risks involved in gynecomastia surgery. Your plastic surgeon will be able to assess your condition and determine your candidacy for the procedure.

How much does male breast reduction cost?

The cost of the procedure may varies depending on the technique used and whether both sides need to be done. As a ballpark, surgical fees start at $6,000 and up.

The costs may include:

  • Anaesthesia fees
  • Hospital or surgical facility costs
  • Medical tests
  • Post-surgery garments
  • Prescriptions for medication
  • Surgeon's fee

As gynecomastia is an abnormal accumulation of breast tissue in a male, your breast tissue from the procedure will routinely be sent for testing to determine if there are any sinister abnormalities.

Insurance coverage for gynecomastia surgery is variable according to the insurance company, depending on causes and symptoms. Our doctor will work with you on communication with your insurance company to see if this is possible, though insurance coverage cannot be guaranteed.

Do male breast reduction pills work?

There are no existing studies that have proven the efficiency of male breast reduction pills in reducing breast fat. For significant results, surgical treatments are ideal. One should be wary of pills or creams with no backing from clinical trials, as they may have harmful ingredients or side effects.

Through a consultation and discussion with a board-certified plastic surgeon, you will be able to decide whether your symptoms are best remedied by lifestyle choices, or by surgical procedures such as a breast reduction.

Arrange a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon to learn more about gynecomastia, surgical options and care, as well as the costs involved.