
The Ultimate Guide To Breast Augmentation In Singapore (2023)

Written by Polaris | Feb 23, 2021 10:09:00 AM
Breast augmentation has always been one of the top aesthetic surgery procedures undergone by patients in Singapore. It can improve appearance, self-confidence, and can be life-changing. Even so, getting a breast augmentation is a big decision, and if you are considering going for a breast enhancement operation, you likely have some questions.

There is undoubtedly a mountain of information to deal with. Rest easy and let us walk you through everything about breast augmentation and other related operations that will help you with your decision!

Who Can Carry Out Breast Augmentation in Singapore?

Only board-certified plastic surgeons should administer breast augmentation in Singapore. These specialists are properly trained professionals who have gone through plastic surgical training certified by the Ministry of Health.

Entering and completing plastic surgery specialist training is very challenging and highly competitive in Singapore. The stringency of the criteria to certify a plastic surgeon in Singapore is a testament to the quality of aesthetic care that the specialists can provide.

It is important to get to know your surgeon well and find out what are the specific expertise that he or she can deliver.

What are the Trends in Breast Augmentation in Singapore?

1) No longer “the bigger the better”

Whilst there will always be some factions of the population who desire the obviously enhanced appearance of the breasts using breast implants, the growing trend is for a more natural, subtle enhancement which keeps people guessing on whether a breast enlargement procedure was performed.

These days, the main objective of patients is not just to enhance their breasts, but to enhance their overall appearance in a wider range of clothing and social settings, through breast enhancement procedure.

Everyone’s body is different and each aesthetic procedure (including breast augmentation) should be tailored to the individual. Communication between the client and the plastic surgeon is integral to developing a trusting relationship, managing expectations, and setting goals that both parties can be happy with.

2) Minimal access techniques

With the advent of better techniques and implant technology, we are able to perform breast enhancement surgery using breast implants with smaller incisions, and faster recovery times.

3) Hybrid breast augmentation (LINK TO Hybrid Breast Aug article)

This next wave of advancement in breast enhancement surgery involves smaller scars (as above), more natural results with quicker recovery. Hybrid Breast Augmentation entails using both breast implants and fat injection at the same time to deliver the next level of results. This state-of-the-art method provides a remarkable solution for breast enhancement, offering a perfect balance between the volume and shape provided by implants and the natural feel of the patient’s own body fat.

4) Using 3-D Simulation and AI software to best predict your results
At Polaris Plastic Surgery, we use a sophisticated AI-software (Crisalix) to help simulate your breast augmentation through 3D images. This allows you to have a clearer and more visual idea of what can be achieved.

Figure: Crisalix Simulation platform provides dynamic and realistic visualization of potential surgical outcomes.

 Benefits of Breast Enhancement Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery can provide direct benefits in:

  • Improving the volume of breasts
  • Enhancement of shape and projection of breasts

In turn, this would improve your quality of life in various ways:

  • Increased ability to fit and look good in many different types of clothing and swimwear.
  • Increased body confidence in various social settings – both work and personal environments.
  • Individualise the various aesthetic needs of patients – discreet versus enhanced look.
  • Improved recovery process translates to shorter downtime and faster return to work, exercise, and active lifestyle.

Breast Implant Preferences – Evolving Implant Technology

In the past, breast implants were the main option for people who want to undergo breast augmentation procedures.

There are several options for breast implants with multiple technological advancements over the years. They each have different qualities such as shape, texture, and material. In recent years, the macro-textured implants have been associated with a rare form of lymphoma (BIA-ALCL).

In light of this, in terms of breast implants, many plastic surgeons are moving towards using cohesive gel implants with a smoother texture . Nano-textured implants are also a recent development, which is gaining wide popularity as well. Recent safety data for nano-textured implants have shown that they provide one of the best safety profiles in the market as well.

Breast Augmentation Methods without using Implants

As we look at the evolving trends in breast augmentation, we will see that the various technique of breast augmentation are advancing.

Fat transfer breast augmentation is the process of harvesting fat cells from the patient’s own body, in the areas that are in excess, and then reinjecting it into the breasts. This provides reduction/removal of unwanted stubborn fats in the abdomen, flanks and/or side chest area, and placing these fat cells in the breast – killing two birds with one stone! Two direct benefits from one procedure.

Fat transfer is a more natural augmentation method compared to using breast implants since the fat cells are of your body’s origin, unlike the foreign material used in implants. It can even be combined with breast implants (hybrid breast augmentation) to give the patient optimal results.

Other Breast-related Surgeries

There are many breast-related operations that can help different patients improve their lifestyles which are otherwise hindered by certain conditions of their breasts.

Depending on their desires and requirements, patients can undergo breast reductionsbreast lifts or breast augmentations, or even a combination of these procedures.

How Is Breast Augmentation Done in Singapore?

Surgery around the breasts, such as breast augmentation, requires a keen understanding of anatomy.
Before any procedure, a thorough assessment and evaluation before the main surgery is recommended. This would allow the plastic surgeon to understand each individual’s unique anatomy and advise what are the suitable options available. At the same time, it is equally important, as a patient, to be able to clearly define one’s aesthetic goals to your plastic surgeon, so that all your goals can be met as best as possible.

Assessing the Breasts Before Surgery

Every patient’s body is unique and that calls for a customised treatment to obtain the best aesthetic results. To determine the right course of action for a breast enlargement, there are various factors to consider during your clinical evaluation. Your plastic surgeon would walk you through these steps in detail during your consultation. In addition, 3-D simulation tools (such as Crisalix) are available to help you visualise your outcomes when deciding on the next step.
Together with your plastic surgeon, you would be able to decide important factors like whether fat transfer or breast implants is best, the plane of placement of the breast implants, and incision points.

What Options Do You Have for Breast Augmentation in Singapore?

Depending on your expectations and body compatibility, you can choose between these few options for breast augmentation:

• Breast implants

  • Fat transfer
  • Hybrid breast augmentation (using both breast implants + fat transfer) (LINK)

Breast Augmentation using implants

Breast implants have been around for a long time and continue to be a large part of the options patients go for in breast augmentation. The reason why breast implants are still the main choice of breast enhancement is that it provides the best and most immediate improvement of the shape, projection, and volume of the breasts.

Over time, the technology of breast implants have begun to improve and innovate, giving rise to countless different types, textures, and shapes of breast implants. More importantly, with more research and scientific evidence, the safety profile of breast implants are also improving as well.

Fat transfer vs Breast Implants

Fat transfer is an increasingly popular breast augmentation method due to its use of the patient’s own body fat instead of a foreign material like silicone in some breast implants.

Throughout the years and with improved knowledge and techniques, fat transfer has become a viable alternative to implants.

Below is the fat transfer process:

  1. Liposuction— The patient’s own fat is harvested from areas with large excesses, such as the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks.
  2. Processing— The fat sample is processed and purified to obtain the fat cells and stem cells within the fat.
  3. Reinjection—The fat is then reinjected carefully into the breasts, increasing their sizes. With a well-executed injection, at least 70% of the fat transfer will remain in the breast for a long period of time.

The process is easily repeatable as well. A few sessions may be required, depending on how large the patient’s desire to have their breast size up to. A period of three to six months is given for your body to accept the previous fat transfer fully before attempting another session.

Some people have expressed concerns about whether fat transfer breast augmentation can interfere with breast cancer surveillance. Do not worry, as studies have shown that well-trained radiologists can still discern between a patient who has had a fat transfer and a suspicious breast lesion. [1]

What Are the Different Types of Breast Implants?

Below are the different types of Breast Implants:

  • Silicone-filled implants— These are basic implants that are filled with silicone gel. The gel content mimics the feel of natural breast tissue. [2]
  • Saline-filled implants — These are basic implants that are filled with sterile saltwater. In the case of an implant leak, the saline released will be naturally expelled by the body. These implants are less available at the moment.

What Are the Different Textures of Breast Implants?

Below are the different textures of Breast Implants:

Smooth breast implants —These implants are more mobile within the breast during activity which helps it feel more similar to natural breast tissue.

Textured breast implants —These implants are less mobile within the breast and are very unlikely to be repositioned.

Nano-textured breast implants —These more recently developed implants are purported to be more compatible with the body’s own cell surfaces and are less likely to cause complications. [3]

What Are the Different Types of Breast Implant Shapes?

Round breast implants —These implants can cause the breasts to appear fuller and are unlikely to rotate out of place.

Teardrop breast implants —These implants have a firmer appearance and can provide a more natural look.

What Types of Incisions Are Used in Breast Augmentation in Singapore?

In terms of incisions for breast implantations, there are a few ways to do it which may depend on the patient’s body types, expectations, and type of breast implants.

  • Incision in the axilla (armpit)
    • Inframammary fold (base of the breast)
    • Around the areola (pigmented area around the nipple)

At Polaris Plastic Surgery, we commonly adopt the Non-Touch technique for breast implant insertion. This technique allows usto place the implant without needing me to touch it physically.

This means:
• Reduced risk of contamination
• Reduced risk of infection and post-surgical complication

The Non-Touch technique also reduces the duration of the procedure which hence further reduces any surgical risk. Lastly, when performing the Non-Touch technique, the incision made is much smaller.

This means:
• Shorter recovery time
• Smaller and less obvious scars — as small as 2.5cm!

How Big is the Scar from Breast Augmentation?

Depending on the type of incision, it will create a different length of the scar. You may refer below for the different incisions and the relevant estimated length of the scar.

Incision in the axilla (armpit) —The resultant scar can be about 4cm but hidden well.

Inframammary fold (base of the breast) —The scar can be as small as 3cm depending on the size of the implant. This is considered very short!

Around the areola (pigmented area around the nipple) —The scar will be well hidden within the pigmented part of the nipple.

Recovery After Breast Augmentation Surgery

After surgery, the proper medications to reduce the risk of swelling and infection will be prescribed. At the same time, we will put you in a compression garment to help to shape the breast, as well as to further reduce the amount of swelling of the breasts.

First Two Weeks:
Your wounds should heal by the end of the first week. We will advise you to avoid heavy physical activities and keep to just your regular day-to-day light activities for the first couple of weeks

Subsequently, the patients having a smooth recovery should be able to go back to light exercising, such as brisk walking and light jogging.
After Four to Six Weeks
When recovery is on track, patients can go back to wearing normal bras without wires and do heavier physical activities like running and upper body exercises. This will be guided by our team as you progress on.

General Guidelines

In addition, there are some important guidelines to follow such as:

  • Eating healthy such as lots of protein and vegetables
    • Taking your medication
    • Following doctor's instructions
    • Not sleeping on the implants i.e. sleep on the back or side
    • Avoiding having massages until the doctor deems appropriate
  • No smoking

What Are the Symptoms of Breast Augmentation Capsular Contracture?

Capsular contracture is a known phenomenon that happens with any implant that is put into your body. For any foreign material in your body, your body develops a reaction to it, forming a layer of “internal scar” around the breast implant. This layer of internal scar is also known as the capsule around the implant; every implant would have a capsule, and most remain unnoticeable because they are thin and soft. Occasionally, this capsule starts to become a problem if it hardens and thickens with time.

Symptoms of Capsular Contracture:
• Hardening in the breast/breast implant
• Tightening sensation in the breast
• Distortion of breast implant
• Pain in the breast

For breast implants, a fibrous layer forms around the implant. In past studies, about 10% of capsular contracture conditions were serious enough to warrant a change of implants to remove the capsule.

There are different grades of capsular contracture: from Grade 1 to 4.

  • In Grade 1, there is the mild hardening of the capsule which does not really bother most patients, depending on their individual tolerance levels.
  • Grade 4 is the most serious level where the patient will experience a lot of pain and a lot of distortion of the breast.

Some Places Claim to Conduct Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation or Lifts in Singapore. Are They Legitimate?

There may be some who claim to provide minimally invasive procedures for breast augmentation. If that sounds too good to be true, it is because it is. It is not recommended to undergo such treatments. Some of these non-surgical treatment methods are certainly not HSA-certified, unsafe, and hence not allowed in Singapore. It is not uncommon to encounter severe complications in patients who underwent such procedures such as developing large infections requiring removal of some or all of their breast tissue.

If you are looking for breast augmentation procedures, find a qualified plastic surgeon you can trust.

If I Would Like Something Changed, Can I Get a Breast Augmentation Revision?

Breast augmentation revisions can sometimes occur many years after the first surgery. Most common reason to seek a revision would be because of the body/tissue changes that have occurred around the implant, after many years. Some common reasons to seek consultation for a breast augmentation revision would include:

  • Drooping of the breast tissue over the breast implant (breast ptosis)
  • Changes in the shape/position of the breast implant (superior or lateral displacement)
  • Rupture of breast implant (this is very uncommon with newer breast implants)
  • Hardening of the capsule (capsular contracture) around the breast implant
  • Late presentation of asymmetry
  • “Bottoming out” – implants descending beyond the breast footprint
  • Severe Animation Deformity – movement of implant with contraction of chest muscle (Pectoralis Major)
  • Change in aesthetic goals with time (requesting to upsize or downsize)

Most of the time, the same incision location can be used for the revision breast augmentation, especially for cases where the implant has to be changed entirely. A new placement pocket may have to be dissected to place the new implants during the revision surgery.

Fat transfer may also be a recommended option, especially in patients where only minor touch ups are required, without any changes being made to the original breast implant.

What Should I Talk About With My Plastic Surgeon in the First Consultation?

Communication is key!

The initial consultation with your plastic surgeon is really important. You should express your desires and then set realistic goals while managing expectations with the help of your trusted specialist.

Be upfront with your plastic surgeon about your medical history and past surgical operations. This information helps the surgeon predict how your recovery will go. Some general questions you should be clarifying and considering are:

1) What are your aesthetic goals? Do you have an ideal style of clothing or swimwear which you want to be able to carry off after breast enhancement surgery?

2) do you have an aesthetic ideal that you would like to achieve?

3) What are the type of breast implants available to choose from? What size will be appropriate for me, to achieve my aesthetic goals?

4)What are the types of incisions that are possible for breast augmentation
5)What is the general timeline for recovery, and what are some of the risks and complications of this procedure? How can I fit my recovery process around my busy lifestyle?
6) Are there any long term implications to my breasts after breast augmentation? Will it still feel or function the same way, if I were to breastfeed in the future?

It is very important for the patient to be able to express their desires and concerns to the surgeon so that they can implement the appropriate treatment. If the clinic has 3D image morphing AI-assisted software (Crisalix) like ours, this pre-operative technology can help you tremendously with your decision.

Take the time to discuss and build a good working relationship with your plastic surgeon as you work towards the final result together.


Getting a breast augmentation can change your life for the better. Learning as much as you can about the operation and working closely with your trusted plastic surgeon is key to a successful breast enhancement experience.