1 Orchard Boulevard #10-08 Camden Medical Centre, Singapore 248649 | 3 Mount Elizabeth, #08-05 Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, Singapore 228510
6 Napier Rd, #08-01 Gleneagles Medical Center, Singapore 258499 | Tel: +65 6737 4565 | Mobile: +65 8828 4565 | Email: clinic@polarisplasticsurgery.com

Double Eyelid Creation & Surgery in Singapore

A double eyelid occurs when the upper eyelid forms a fold when the eye is open. A beautiful double eyelid helps gives the eye an attractive and alluring look. The mechanism behind this is fibrous attachments to the upper eyelid skin crease which arise from the muscle which helps us elevate the upper eyelid (the levator palpebrae superioris). The muscle helps us open our upper eyelids whilst simultaneously pulling on the crease and thus forming the double eyelid.

In East Asians, this crease is often lower or absent, leading to the ‘single-eyelid’ appearance. Whilst lower folds can suit some faces well, they often lead to a tired or dull appearance. Surgical techniques that have been developed to help with double eyelid creation include suture (‘scarless’) or the incisional technique. Your plastic surgeon will assess and discuss the best option for you.

Suture (‘Scarless’) Double Eyelid Creation

In the suture technique, the double eyelid is created through minimally invasive methods utilizing puncture access points in the upper eyelid. Fine sutures are placed carefully to create the attachments between the levator muscle and the skin. The access points usually do not require closing with suture.

The advantages of the suture technique are reduced downtime (3 to 5 days of swelling compared to 2 weeks in the open technique), no suture removal, and reduced risk of a visible upper eyelid scar. However, there is a risk that the suture material is insufficient to maintain the double eyelid and the double eyelid may lower or disappear.

The suture technique is suitable for patients whose upper eyelids are not too heavy and who do not desire a drastic change in appearance. It is a repeatable procedure, though in patients who have failed previous suture upper blepharoplasty, an incisional technique is recommended.

Incisional Double Eyelid Creation

Incisional double eyelid creation involves an incision where the new upper eyelid crease is to be placed, uncovering the underlying anatomy of the upper eyelid, and precisely suturing the corresponding muscle and skin to create the double eyelid. The incision is usually closed with non-absorbable sutures which are removed at 5 to 7 days post-operatively.

The advantages of the incisional technique are the ability to accurately visualize and approximate the correct tissue layers and control the fold in the manner desired. Its disadvantages include a longer upper eyelid scar and more swelling and bruising, both of which may take a few weeks to heal.

The incisional technique is suitable for patients who have heavier upper eyelids or who require concurrent procedures such as removal of excess skin or fat and can tolerate a few weeks of downtime. Ultimately, it provides better control to the double eyelid creation.
Incisional Double Eyelid Creation

Who May Benefit from Double Eyelid Surgery?

While the most apparent benefit of getting double eyelid surgery may be to help one’s eyes achieve a bigger and brighter look, there is more to double eyelid surgery than meets the eye. Aside from those with purely aesthetic considerations, some may opt for double eyelid surgery in addition to functional ptosis correction surgery when their ptosis and droopy eyelid condition gets more severe and starts to affect their vision.

Double eyelid surgery/ blepharoplasty is also a suitable treatment for people with trichiasis, an irritating eye condition characterized by inward growing lashes. In fact, both of the abovementioned forms of double eyelid surgery can help to prevent the eyelashes from reaching the eyes.

Last but not least, double eyelid surgery may also be ideal for people who experience asymmetry of the eyelids as a result of genetic predisposition, injuries, complications of previous eyelid procedures, etc. By creating a matching eyelid crease on the affected eye, this procedure helps to restore eye symmetry and boost the patient’s confidence.

Pre-Surgery Preparation and Post-Operative Care

Every surgery, big or small, comes with a checklist of Dos and Don’ts. While it is advisable to check with your doctor regarding the specific instructions, here are some things to take note.

Prior to Surgery


  • Consume alcohol and caffeine 48 hours prior to surgery.
  • Consume tobacco products a few weeks prior to surgery.
  • Consume food or drinks after 12 midnight, the night before your surgery.
  • Wear contact lenses or fake eyelashes the day of surgery.


  • Arrange for an escort or companion to take you home after your surgery.
  • Arrange for a car ride home after your surgery.
  • Wear comfortable clothes on the day of your surgery.



  • Consume alcohol, tobacco products, and caffeine.
  • Engage in straining activities or vigorous exercises for 2 weeks.
  • Use the hot tub or sauna for 6 weeks.
  • Put anything frozen directly on your face.
  • Get exposed to the sun if possible.  


  • Sleep on your back with your head elevated for the next 2 weeks.
  • Contact your doctor immediately if you experience progressive or one-sided pain, bleeding, bruising, swelling, or visual changes. 
  • Clean the stitches around your eyes and apply the prescription ointment on the stitches 2-3 times a day. 
  • Eat a well-balanced diet, with increased fluids such as water and fruit juices. 
  • Abide by your post-operative schedule.

The Polaris Approach

At Polaris Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, we combine modern aesthetic procedures with complementary treatments to attain realistic, natural-looking and long-lasting outcomes. Consultant plastic surgeons Dr Adrian Ooi and Dr Pek Chiong Han exercise a “patient-first” approach that focuses on embracing individual uniqueness with highly customised treatment plans, and ensuring a smooth and rapid recovery for patients by harnessing advanced plastic surgery techniques and technology.


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